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For Immediate Release

Media Contact: David McCallister 813-778-1202 Email:


Tallahassee - In 1861, A.D., men and boys from Leon County answered the call of their State and their Governor to defend Florida against invasion from an aggressive military force. They traveled to far-away places, shed their blood and died for Florida. The ladies of the area resolved that their brothers, sons, husband, fathers and friends would be rescued from 'oblivion' and erected a memorial to them to "perpetuate in the memory of succeeding generations the heroic patriotism of the men...who perished in the Civil War of 1861-1865". Today, this memorial and the dead veterans memorialized, as well as others around Florida and the nation, have been derided, and disrespected. But the casualties of this war are not alone. Today, Americans have been shocked by attacks on memorials to other wars, other veterans, and flags, songs and other American symbols. Even our National Anthem has been vilified as 'racist'. Even though he was rejected by the voters of Florida, failed Gubenatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum is still beating the same tired old "take 'em down' drum" and retread politician Geraldine Thompson is chiming in. Thompson has a strong track record of attacks on on Florida history and her veterans, as she previously sponsored a bill that would have banned Veterans Administration headstones from public cemeteries, earning her the nickname 'Taliban Thompson" by historic preservationists. "Ms. Thompson is out of step with the majority of Floridians who overwhelmingly oppose removal of veterans memorials, even ones related to the Confederacy" said Save Southern Heritage FL spokesman David McCallister. A 2017 Gravis Marketing Poll showed 77% of Floridians supported maintaining Confederate monuments where they currently exist. See poll HERE. "How yesterday's veterans are treated today signals how today's veterans will be treated tomorrow and advancing this hateful proposal would send a chilling message to those in harm's way that their service might be second-guessed when they are dead and gone and can no longer defend themselves". McCallister added. "We believe that this governor and legislature will see Ms. Thompson's initiative for what it is, simply a way to divide the majority party, bring down the country and distract from important issues like illegal immigration, protecting life and honoring veterans by enacting a protection bill to set all of our veterans memorials off limits to these domestic terrorists." McCallister concluded.

SAVE SOUTHERN HERITAGE Inc. is a not for profit corporation that educates & advocates on behalf of Southern Heritage & History. It was started in 2015 in response to the knee-jerk Anti-Southern institutionalized bullying and “Eracism” levied against the people of South Carolina by Governor Nikki Haley, after she broke all previous agreements about how South Carolina’s historical veterans and their symbols should be treated and respected. The Florida branch was activated in mid-January 2016, in response to three initiatives in the Florida Legislature that are part of a hate campaign led by Anti-American extremists, who refuse to respect the various cultures that make up the fabric of Florida’s society. Since that time, it has grown in membership and has been active in battles over American History and throughout Florida including the “We’ll Remember in November Campaign” that resulted in #heritagehater candidates to lose elections in Florida and others to win. More info:


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