Last year, Florida citizens voted to amend the State Constitution to include a 'Victim Bill of Rights". The Victim's Bill of Rights (Marsy's Law) has not yet been used in a monument vandalism case. The lawyer for the Sons of Confederate Veterans hopes to use Marsy's Law ensure that the perpetrator doesn't receive just a 'slap on the wrist' by ensuring the Court understands the impact to the victims and the community as a whole of this senseless violence.
We all experienced a loss from the attack on the Lee County Memorial, and if you are willing to describe the impact to you (emotional, physical, financial or psychological), the attorney will make sure the Court hears you. This may be the only time the Criminal Justice System gets the 'so what' of these attacks on our veterans and family's memorials.
Please take a few monuments complete the form below.
Also, if you are willing to speak at the hearing for the perpetrator addressing the impact, please note below.
Thank you!
NOTE: No personal or contact info will be submitted to the Court, but will be used for data aggregation purposes, or to contact you in case of a question.
The Impact of the Monument Attack on Me/my family/my community, etc. was/is:
(see "Some Factors To Consider" below)
My opinion of an Appropriate Punishment for the Perpetrator Is:
(Please do not be obscene). Some examples are mandatory jail time, community service, restitution, criminal history. FYI, the proposed 'plea deal' did not include any jail time and no criminal history. Also Mr. Howes has not provided the name of his two co-perpetrators. Do you think he should to obtain any leniency from the Court?
Would you be willing to read your statement in person to the Court?
Will you be able to join others in Court to show support on Monday, Oct. 28, 2019?
Are you a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans?
Thank you! Your Statement was received!
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This is your opportunity to express what we feel about the attacks on our family , our county our state and our nation, using this one example as a focal point.
Has the crime affected your lifestyle or those close to you?
Have your feelings about yourself or your life or your community changed since the crime?
Has your ability to relate to others and/or the community as a whole changed? (Do you feel the perpetrator's acts were personal towards you/your family/your community)
How does it affect our society?
Do you feel you or your family/community have suffered or will suffer a financial loss, i.e. possible tax increases, inability to find employment because of disdain for your "Southern" ethnicity? If you suffered financial loss as result of the crime or its aftermath, please describe this. Perhaps tourism is negatively impacted by the wide spread reporting of the incident, which impacts you, your family or the community.
Any questions: Send and Email HERE.