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Why the Flyovers?

Writer's picture: SSH - FLSSH - FL

Updated: Dec 26, 2022


Welcome to Florida

Today's flyover is a Christmas (and Hanukkah) gift to you, Patriotic Americans who love liberty and America, who have been deprived of their rights by tyrannical mayors in Dallas and Jacksonville. They ignore you and your families and are part of the American Iconoclasts that are hell-bent on destroying our American and Southern history.

Jacksonville Mayor Lenny "Cancel Culture" Curry and Mike "take 'em down" Rawlings are birds of a feather in league with Mitch Landrieu and other big city mayors who’s priority is to clear the civic landscape of all memory of our history and steal your art and your history. They seek to oppress speech they don't agree with...your speech.

When we flew over the Baltimore vs. Jacksonville game on November 27th with the message "Put Monuments Back" with the Southern Cross, Jacksonville Mayor Curry predictably labeled our simple and peaceful, non-violent flyover as "Hate". Name calling seems to be the "go to" response of the American Iconoclasts.

But "Cancel Culture" Curry couldn't be more wrong. The Confederate flag is an AMERICAN flag and an international symbol of the SOUTH, liberty and resistance to tyranny. It was used during the Korean Conflict by American forces who were not allowed to display the Stars and Stripes on their United Nations uniforms. To many, the United States flag is just AS "racist" as the Confederate flag. Remember Colin Kaepernick?

And why are we concerned about monuments?

1. Because we all know now that Monument removal will not stop with just "Confederate" Monuments! As we have seen in Memphis, St. Augustine and most recently in Virginia, these satanic racials are digging up graves of people they don't agree with. Someone has to stand up and fight back. The craziness now includes taking down the Confederate "Reconciliation" Monument in Arlington National Cemetery which is literally a headstone for its sculptor, internationally renowned Jewish artist Moses Jacob Ezekiel. And they are going after Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Columbus, Kate Smith…everyone. Confederate history is just low hanging fruit on the purge agenda.

2. We know you support our efforts. Polls in both cities show opposition to removing the city's historic memorials, which are public art. A poll we commissioned in Jacksonville showed 75% of citizens favored keeping Confederate monuments. The responses to the first flyover were incredible. And today's flyover was funded by members of the community who support the effort.

3. We promised “Never to Forget". Americans build monuments and memorials because we want to remember our history and the sacrifices made, especially the human cost of war. We have numerous Vietnam Conflict memorials and Korean Conflict memorials, even though the United States was not victorious.

For Ravens fans: when your mothers are victims of a total war on the civilian population, like we are seeing in Ukraine today, you might understand why there is a memorial to "The Women of the South" in Jacksonville.

4. We believe the monuments belong to the people, and only they, not transitory elected officials, have the right to take our history down. This is a First Amendment and liberty issue for us. "Government Speech" is tyranny! The First Amendment was written to PROTECT unpopular speech. The solution is not to SUPPRESS speech it is to add more speech. Put up more monuments with the popular speech – don’t eliminate speech,

5. For Texans, you may not be aware, but the lawless City of Dallas ignored and violated its own statutes & ordinances in the Dallas removals. These tyrants believe they are ABOVE the law.

6. And finally, because as Martin Luther King said ..."the Sons of Slaves and the sons of slave-owners should sit down together at the table of brotherhood." But the radical left and their allies don't want unity, they foment and benefit from division. This holiday season, let's stand united to protect and preserve our American history.

Stand for American History. Join us today!

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