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Press Release: Charlottesville Statement

Writer's picture: SSH - FLSSH - FL

Press Release August 13, 2017

For Immediate Release

Media Contact: David McCallister 813-778-1202 Email:



Tampa - Floridians and Americans around the country watched yesterday's violence in Charlottesville, VA in horror and disbelief. "Our prayers go out to the families and friends of the law enforcement officers and that of the victim of the auto incident in yesterday's violence" said David McCallister, Save Southern Heritage - Florida spokesman. Today in Florida, citizens around the State are waking up to news reports of renewed attacks on Florida's historical assets, and more are expected. Around Florida, groups that have been advocating erase-ism of Florida's history had a rally in Jacksonville yesterday and are planning rallies in Tampa and Hollywood tonight renewing demands on elected officials to purge Southern-American history including the Robert E. Lee memorial in Lee County and the City name of "Jacksonville". "It is unfortunate that actions in Virginia are spilling over into and being exploited in Florida. Hate begets hate - Dylann Roof wins if we don't learn the only path to peace is mutual respect" said McCallister. "We hope fair minded Floridians will listen to the President's statement about cherishing America and put an end to the erase-ism and learn respect" McCallister added. "Our members aren't happy about any of this" said McCallister. "We see bad actors on both sides and realize the unfortunate incident is already being exploited to the advantage of the erase-ists here in Florida". "The backlash from the Charlottesville City Council to disrespect the memory of a beloved American hero doesn't surprise us. A lot of patriotic Americans are tired of standing by and watching history being thrown in a landfill in an ISIS-like purge" he added. "But we're saddened that it appears the tragic purge decision is exploited by some who may have motives other than just preserving memorials to American hereos - and we're worried the radicalization of Heritage issues isn't helping our preservation efforts. Nevertheless we stand with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights including freedom of speech" he added. SSH FL also denounces the violence that has been exhibited in several locales in Florida. "We have seen these intimidation tactics from the Anti-Fa and Anarchists in Gainvesville, Tampa and Hollywood and are concerned yesterday's success in suppressing the rally will embolden them" McCallister said. "We have seen the hate in the hearts of the Anti-Fa, Anarchists and other left wing radicals here in Florida. They run from town to town like marauding thugs intimidating elected officials into caving into their demands and to hell with free speech or other's rights or opinions" McCallister added. SSH FL also takes issue with the mainstream media's narrative of event: "White Nationalist rally sparks Counterprotests". A better headline might have been "Legal Free Speech Rally Suppressed by Anarchists". Specifically, a first hand account from a member of the Clergy reports rally organizers did not start the violence - they were attacked. Urine, paint, mace and flame throwers were used on the legally permitted rally participants while law enforcement did noting, until a state of emergency was declared. Like in California and Portland, Fox News Reporter Doug McElway reported on groups who were paid to come to Charlottesville, VA to disrupt the (legally permitted) rally and suppress free speech. Meanwhile, TV news coverage justified the narrative featuring footage of a previous KKK rally in the City. Actual footage of the mob attacking the rally participants showed the Anarchy flag (red and black diagonal) as well as "Black Lives Matter" signs and shirts. "Someone has to say "enough is enough". We hope that our elected officials around Florida will unite and 'just say 'no''' to these bullies bent on disparaging American veterans and erasing history. Until then - like a spoiled child - they are going to keep up their demands and more of our precious historical resources will be lost. It needs to end here and now" McCallister concluded.

SAVE SOUTHERN HERITAGE Inc. is a 501 c(4) public welfare corporation that educates & advocates on behalf of Southern Heritage & History. It was started in 2015 in response to the knee-jerk Anti-Southern institutionalized bullying and “Erase-ism” levied against the people of South Carolina by Governor Nikki Haley, after she broke all previous agreements about how South Carolina’s historical veterans and their symbols should be treated and respected. SSH FL does not condone racism and as such we do not support any group or person that does. We respect the rights and privileges of all as bestowed on them by their creator and expect those in our association to respect and treat others as they themselves would wish to be treated. The Florida branch was activated in mid-January 2016, in response to three initiatives in the Florida Legislature that are part of a hate campaign led by Anti-American extremists, who refuse to respect the various cultures that make up the fabric of Florida’s society. Since that time, it has grown in membership and has been active in Heritage battles throughout Florida including the “We'll Remember in November Campaign” that resulted in #heritagehater candidates to loose elections in Florida. More info:


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