PRESS RELEASE September 14, 2017
For Immediate Release
Media Contact: Doug Guetzloe (407) 312-1781 Email:

Poll Says Voters Would Oust Hayward if he Ousts Monument
PENSACOLA - In a Press Conference yesterday, a Coalition was announced to Save the Historic Confederate Memorial in Pensacola at Lee Circle. The Coalition includes a variety of local and state-wide organizations including veterans, historical and other groups interested in honoring veterans and preserving history including "Southern Strong", the Sons of Confederate Veterans, members Veterans Monuments of America, Save Their Honor, Save Southern Heritage FL and various citizens and veterans. The Coalition emerged after Mayor Ashton floated the idea that the Pensacola war memorial should go the way of those in cities like Orlando and New Orleans, that are led by Democratic Party mayors, against the will of the people. The Pensacola Save our Statue Coalition mirrors the views of a public opinion poll of likely voters in Pensacola, which was discussed at the Conference. During the press conference, results of a poll conducted earlier this month was released showing overwhelming support, 74% of likely voter respondents, to keep the historic memorial in place. The survey, was conducted by nationally prominent polling company, Gravis Marketing. The Confederate/American Veteran Memorial in place in Lee Square on Palavox Street, where it has been sanding since 1891. View Poll results here. One question the poll asked was if voters would support Mayor Ashton Hayward's anticipated re-election bid if the removed the memorial. 74% of respondents also say they would not support Mayor Ashton Hayward's anticipated re-election bid should he proceed with his plans to remove the monument. "This should be a 'wake up call to the city of Pensacola elected officials that this proposal is out of touch with America, out of step with voters and those who vote for it may be soon out of office" said Ken Daniels, a coalition member, representing several groups. Pensacola's Veteran community was even more adamant in opposition to removing the memorial, with 81% of them opposed to Mayor Hayward’s suggested removal plans. This mathematical/statistical survey has a confidence rate of roughly 95%. 401 registered voters in Pensacola were surveyed by Gravis on August nth. The polling survey was commissioned by Save Southern Heritage Florida, one of our coalition partners. David McCallister, Executive Director and spokesman for Save Southern Heritage Florida, says “These strong Polling Results are a clear mandate by the people of Pensacola, they do not want the Confederate/American Monument moved. We believe Mayor Hayward and the City Commissioners will honor the wishes of the vast majority of their constituents and say no to a very small vocal minority comprised mostly of special interests from outside our community, who want the Monument taken down and potentially destroyed.” "Throughout Florida, Historical Confederate Veteran Memorials have been "weaponized" to intimidate, threaten and bully elected officials into removing them. The previously virtually un-noticed war memorial exploded into headlines recently, as well as others around the nation, including memorials to Christopher Columbus and President Abraham Lincoln, as a unfortunate consequence of a death in Charlottesville, VA that has been outrageously exploited as a narrative to remove historical monuments around the nation" stated Pensacola resident Ken Daniel, one of the coalition leaders that oppose the Mayor's to remove the monument. "We have seen them use bullying, intimidation, threats of violence and other scare tactics to bully elected officials into honoring voter wishes - we believe the Pensacola City Council won't tolerate these type of tactics here" added Daniel. "The City has a good protection ordinance and we believe they will not cave in to pressure from these anti-Veteran bullies. A public meeting will only lure out the left wing radicals like we saw in Tampa" he concluded. A Study conduced of the speakers for removing the monument in Tampa, Florida at the July 19, 2017 County Commission meeting showed most of the speakers had no ties to the area and included members of Anti-Fa, Socialists, Marxists-Communists, the Anti-Border activists such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations". See Poll HERE. The Pensacola historical memorial is on a 'hit list' of historic sites in Florida published by the Southern Poverty Law Center that includes county and city names, street names and even a 'Confederate' oak tree. See list here. SAVE SOUTHERN HERITAGE Inc. is a 501 c(4) public welfare corporation that educates & advocates on behalf of Southern Heritage & History. It was started in 2015 in response to the knee-jerk Anti-Southern institutionalized bullying and “Erase-ism” levied against the people of South Carolina by Governor Nikki Haley, after she broke all previous agreements about how South Carolina’s historical veterans and their symbols should be treated and respected. SSH FL does not condone racism and as such we do not support any group or person that does. We respect the rights and privileges of all as bestowed on them by their creator and expect those in our association to respect and treat others as they themselves would wish to be treated. The Florida branch was activated in mid-January 2016, in response to three initiatives in the Florida Legislature that are part of a hate campaign led by Anti-American extremists, who refuse to respect the various cultures that make up the fabric of Florida’s society. Since that time, it has grown in membership and has been active in Heritage battles throughout Florida including the “We'll Remember in November Campaign” that resulted in #heritagehater candidates to loose elections in Florida. More info: