To Lake City Mayor Witt and the City Council

There have been numerous attacks on our Lake City, Florida history, many driven by outsiders wanting to project events outside of Lake City upon us and our history.
As horrible as those events were they should not weaponize the unique history and character of Lake City to divide us and destroy our historic reseources that generate substantial revenue to our community.
Also, remember, the Confederate veterans, to whom the currently threatened memorials are dedicated, were granted the same benefits as other American War Veterans by various Acts of Congress.
Censoring of history in public places just because it doesn't fit a certain agenda has to be stopped, and is a violation of free speech rights.
All our veterans memorials should be protected from vandalism and destruction to protect them from being weaponized against us.
Please sign the petition to let the City of Lake City and all elected officials know that we want our memorials to remain and protected by State laws and City ordinances.